My pack weighs 26kg when full, it is almost half of my body weight and just over the flight limit of 23kg so hand luggage will need to be utilised. I'm going to wear my heaviest clothes and walking boots on the flight!
Here is my kit list.
Kit list:
Head torch and spare batteries
Waterproof trousers and jacket
Fleeces x 3
Thermal hat
Thin gloves
Thick gloves
Socks x 3
T- shirts (not cotton) x 3
Base layer x 2
Underwear x 4
Trousers x 2
Down jacket
Walking boots
Flip flops
Swim costume
Small notebook and pen
Bear spray and holder
Sleeping bag and liner
Pillow case
Water bottle x 2
Books x 2
Route cards
Tide times
Walking poles
First aid kit
Small towel
Soap non scented
Toothpaste (bi- carb)
Spare Lithium batteries
SPOT Satellite personal tracker
Solar charger
Long matches
Mug and spoon
Pocket rocker cooker
Water filter
Bug repellant (Deet)
Steri tabs (for emergency if water filter fails)
Spare laces
Pen knife
Washing up sponge (small)
Bear bells
Spare zip lock bags
Bear barrel with trek food rations
Universal plug adapter
Camera charger
The bear barrel will be used for carrying all food, toiletries and scented items like toothpaste and suncream. It will also be used to carry any waste material we produce so that we can dispose of it at an appropriate place. The rules for the trail and Bowron lakes are 'pack it in, pack it out'. We will not be burying or burning items on the trail.
I have used a stuff sack and zip lock bags for the non food items in the bear barrel to keep it all separate from the food.
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