Why I applied & some thank you's!

During my interview for the WCMT fellowship I was asked by the panel why I had chosen to apply for the fellowship now? Perhaps a polite way of saying I was on the wrong side of 30! ;)
My rather truncated answer was that it was down to personal circumstances. I feel though to appreciate the journey I am making this probably needs expanding slightly.

In February 2007 I came very close to dying following a medical complication, which more than anything else led to me re-evaluating my life and what is important to me.

To borrow Steve Jobs words,

" Your time is limited. Don't waste it living someone else's life".
I became determined to achieve things I had put off because I was too busy with day to day stuff. I love the outdoors and so started to get out and about (not as easy as it sounds with three kids in tow!)  In the following few months I got fit, started running 5k charity races, climbed Snowdon, Scafell pike and Ben Nevis (being the highest peaks in Wales, England and Scotland).  I managed to convince some of my friends to come too and even with poor weather we enjoyed the challenges!
The following summer I toured the Outer Hebrides and then climbed Pen y Fan in the Brecon Beacons.  I led two of my children (aged 7 & 9) up Snowdon (using the Pyg track), which they managed despite horrendous conditions and I was so proud of them!

Once you start planning a trip with the idea in your head that anything is possible, life gets exciting.
Money is an issue for me (like most people) and it would have been very unlikely that I could have gone on this expedition without the funding I have been given by the WCMT. I know I have been very lucky and this trip will be a huge turn around in my fortunes from where I was five years ago.

Future trips I have planned include the GR20 in Corsica, Tour du Mont Blanc and cycling in New Zealand...

A few Thank you's:
  • To the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
  • My parents Jean & Peter Wyman for their unstinting support
  • Richard Backwell MBE for teaching me about navigation
  • Jenny Boyce for agreeing to be my expedition buddy :)
  • Liz Taylor, Rich Barnett, Ollie Taylor, Jenny Taylor, Mark Hicks, Richard Curran & Sarah North for coming on those great mountain treks in the crazy wind and rain! 

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