A little bit of background...

My first real outdoor adventure that I recall was reaching the summit of Pikes peak in Colorado when I was seven with my family.
I vividly remember the view and how fantastic it was to look down on the world below.
At an altitude of 14,110 feet (4,301 m) above sea level, Pikes Peak is the 31st highest peak out of 54 Colorado peaks. It is the farthest east of the big peaks in the Rocky Mountain chain, which contributed to its early fame among explorers, pioneers and immigrants and made it the symbol of the 1859 Gold Rush to Colorado.

In December 2010 it was my great pleasure to meet Alaistair Humpreys, an Adventurer, explorer and motivation speaker. He advocates that,

"Adventure is only a state of mind.
Adventure is stretching yourself; mentally, physically or culturally. It is about doing what you do not normally do, pushing yourself hard and doing it to the best of your ability.
And if that is true then adventure is all around us, at all times. Even during hard financial times such as these. Times, I believe, when getting out into the wild are more enjoyable, invigorating and important than ever".

If you do not know about Alastair yet, I strongly advise you read some of his blog, as it offer so many new and interesting ideas on how to get out and explore.

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